| Needle Cast
-sing/early summer new needles are green (at the tips) and the older needles turn brown to purple.
-Discolored leaves fall off in the fall
-Little to no needles near the trunk and the tree looks thin/see through.
-Damage starts low and moves up the tree. | -Maintain good air circulation by removing dead branches from the inside of the tree.
-Mulch under the trees to help retain moisture and stop weed/grass competition stress.
-Make sure that irrigation is not spraying onto the needles.
-Well timed fungicide spray. First in early summer, then second one 2-4 weeks after. |
 | Aphids
-Generally black/gray and yellow/green, less than 3mm with long legs and antennae
-Typically found on broadleaved trees and shrubs with blotchy dead leaf tissue
-Repeated infestations can cause eventual branch dieback and early leaf drop | -Multiple life stages can be present and they occur in large colonies on new growth
-Systemic insecticides, sprays (for adults) and bioinsecticides
-Multiple life stages may require multiple applications |
 | Apple Maggot
-Adults of this insect are about 5mm long and have a dot on their thorax and a black banding like an “F” on their wings
-White-yellowish worm like larva with not so noticeable head that feed on the apples causing brown spots with tunnels through fleshy tissue
-Found in primarily Apples and Hawthorns | -One generation per season
-Adults emerge in early July before laying eggs under Apple skin
-Larva will overwinter in soil
-Foliar sprays to control adults, no systemics suggested for edible species
-Traps and decoys for egg laying females
-IPM plan is suggested for this pest |
 | Aspen (Poplar) Borer
-Adults approx. 1″ long and are dark grey with small orange spots on their wings
-Larvae white, about 1 1/4″ long, legless, and yellow-white in color
-Heartwood boring insect creating cavities
-Frass (wood dust, cuttings) at base of tree | -Emerge June until August, and lay eggs in slits they have cut in the bark
-Egglaying females are most likely to be attracted to opengrown and single trees in partial to full sun
-Systemic insecticides, sprays (for feeding adults) |
 | Birch Leafminer
-Adult resembles a black wasp (about 3mm long), larva are flat and white (5-7mm long)
-Blotchy dead leaf tissue.
-Repeated infestations can cause eventual branch dieback | -Eggs hatch early June, two generations per year
– Larvae overwinter in soil/fallen debris
-Systemic insecticides, sprays (for adults), bio-insecticides also available |
 | Blister/Gall Mite
-They are not noticeable with naked eye
-Feed/hide beneath leaves causing a blister to form
-Reduce the amount of useful leaf surface in broad leaf trees and some conifers
-Eventual branch dieback possible | -Larvae overwinter in soil/ fallen debris and egg hatch early June, two generations per year
-Systemic insecticides, sprays (for adults), bio-insecticides also available.
-Typically do not require treatment however can pose significant health risks if left untreated (long term) |
 | Bronze Birch Borer
-Adults 1⁄4″ to 1⁄2″ long dark colored beetles , larvae up to one inch long when fully grown, pale white with a flattened body and two pincerlike tails at back
-Secluded branch dieback from boring D shaped holes in trunk and limbs
-Kills vascular system reducing nutrient transport | -They pupate in spring and start to emerge as adults in early June
-Larval stage is the most destructive and difficult to control
-Systemic insecticides, sprays (bio-insecticides available) |
 | Cottony Ash Psyllid
-First noticed here in Saskatoon in 2006.
-This insect will only affect Black and Manchurian Ash
-This insect hatches early in the spring (Early May) as the buds are starting to crack
-Psyllid nymphs feed on the leaves of your tree and cause curling of the leaf edge | -Implementing an IPM strategy is the only way to protect your tree from this insect
-Multiple life stages may require multiple applications |
 | Emerald Ash Borer
-Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an invasive insect originating from Asia and is reported to have arrived in Winnipeg 2017
-No sightings in Saskatoon yet but we are prepared.
-Adults emerging in May to June will feed on foliage creating C-shaped cuts in leaflets | -Implementing an IPM strategy is the only way to protect your tree from this insect
-Multiple life stages may require multiple applications |
 | Pine Needle Scale
-Nymphs are tiny yellow flat crawlers, adults females are oval wingless insects up to 3mm long
-Usually noticable as a white dotted cover over tree or shrub
-Sucks juices from needles reducing vigor and health leaving behind yellow and brown needles | -Egg hatch occurs in the spring
-Females settle and secrete waxy scale like coverings over their bodies and produce a sac of eggs under the scale
-Systemic insecticides, sprays in spring durring crawling phase, pruning |
 | Yellow-headed Spruce Sawfly
-Larvae look like caterpillars and are normally grayish-green and have a light stripe down the back, a light stripe along each side followed by a dark green stripe
-Full grown larvae are about 1″ long | -If the population levels are consistently high in your area, treatments are suggested to bring the population down to an acceptable threshold
-Most treatments take place in June (or prior to) when the trees are leaved and larvae are in their destructive stage |
 | Spruce Spider Mite
-Scarcely visible to naked eye and appear greyish with eight legs (some species red)
-With high population density, webs will form among needles and defoliation of evergreens will occur
-Will affect health and vigor after repeated infestations
-Large populations require control due to extent of dieback that occurs (spreading outward and upward) | -Eggs over winter in crevices and hatch mid mid-May
-Nymphs and larvae suck juices from needles
-New generation every 3 weeks
-Systemic insecticides, sprays (bio-insecticides available) |
 | Tent Caterpillar
-Young larvae are black, mature larvae 12 1/2″ with four yellowishbrown stripes down body containing diamond shaped dots
-Adults are rusty red to pale in color.
-Defoliation of broad leaved trees
-Will affect health and vigor after repeated infestations | -Egg hatch when foliage starts to emerge clustering on silken webs at night
-One generation per year, adults emerge in Late June/ July
-Systemic insecticides, sprays (bio-insecticides available) |
 | Black Knot Fungi
-Infects chokecherry, pincherry, wild cherry, cherry and plum trees
-A green swelling appears at first mostly in the fall, as the knots mature they turn black
-Easily spreads and appears on all sizes of branches and twigs
-If the fungus circles the entire branch, it will die, and severly diseased trees may have to be removed altogether | -Caused by a fungus that is spread by wind and rain
-Once it begins growing on a black knot it produces fruiting bodies that spread the disease
-Can also be spread by contaminated pruning equipment
-Can be pruned out if caught early enough |
 | Dutch Elm Disease
-Vascular infecting fungi that blocks the transport of water and nutrients
-Devastating for Elm trees in North America
-Symptoms include yellow flagging in foliage, browning of leaf tissue (not to be confused with Bacterial Leaf Scorch or Elm Yellowing)
-No standard dieback pattern (this is affected by where the disease was introduced to the tree) | -Arrived in North America in 1930s, it is transferred through root fusion and insects from infected trees such as the Elm Bark Beetle
-Preventative macro injections pre-infection
-Insect control through micro injections will limit insect vector populations – reducing root graft potential in boulevard trees
-Early detection and removal of infected species is crucial.
-Provincial laws regulating disposal of and inoculation of suspected trees |
 | Fire Blight
-One of the most destructive diseases facing fruit trees
-Tips of twigs form “shephards hook” leaving foul smelling brown foliage retained
-Systemic disease threatens its vascular system and dieback of new growth sometimes causes oozing to drip and spread to lower foliage | -Bacteria overwinter in the bark at the edge of cankers formed during previous growing seasons
-Topical sprays are generally used to reduce effectiveness of re-innoculation from external oozing
-Best controlled through an IPM plan |
 | Fall Webworm
-Affects Schubert Chokecherries, and Apples.
-Worms create silk webs/nests on tips of branches.
-Usually isolated to single branches/stems.
-Caterpillars feed on the foliage that is inside their web. | -Webs can be seen in late summer/early fall.
-Caterpillars lay their eggs on the branches at the end of the fall.
-Due to the insects being inside the webs, broad range insecticides cannot contact the insects.
-Best control is to cut out the nests as soon as they are noticed.
-Early spring Dormant Oil spray to suffocate eggs. |
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